Monday, 29 February 2016

MEST1 Section B: A Field In England

Media Magazine article on A Field In England in Issue 47- 100 word summary of the article: 

A Field In England is a low-budget Arthouse film by award-winning director Ben Wheatley. It was released on 5th July 2013 across cinema, DVD/Blu-ray, TV and VoD. Mark Ramey explores in this article that film distribution is a high-risk battle for revenue, with the major Hollywood studios packing the biggest punches. He states that without effective distribution, film product rarely finds an audience. The distributor’s challenge for a film launch can be summarised through: identifying the film’s audience, estimating revenue potential across all platforms, building awareness and maintaining interest, persuading exhibitors to present the film, persuading the audience to watch it. A distributor’s campaign strategy is therefore complex and costly work, involving thorough research and creativity. It is a campaign that will not stop once the film has launched, because early box office figures will further determine the strategic direction of a film’s release.

  • How was A Field In England’s release different to typical film releases?
It was released on 5th July 2013 across cinema, DVD/Blu-ray, TV and VoD at once. Therefore, it was a simultaneous release. 
  • What are the advantages to releasing the film across all platforms on the same day?
The advantages to releasing the film across all platforms on the same day is that it creates a hype about the film and all the publicity is geared towards one month and that leads to people wanting to watch it straight away and it might also help it be around longer in cinemas, and let people come to it without having that panic of being around for one week before it’s gone. 
  • What are the disadvantages to this approach?
The disadvantages to this approach is that the audience might resort to the cheaper option to watch the film, e.g. on demand or on the TV in comparison to spending more money by buying the DVD or a cinema ticket. This will then lead to less revenue being made because majority of the audience will prefer the cheaper option and only a minority will be willing to spend the money when there is a cheaper option in place. 
  • What target audience would A Field In England be aimed at? Demographics and Psychographics.
The target audience for this film would be mainly middle-class people aged 25-55. the pyschographic groups that this film would appeal to would be succeeders because they are mainly professionals and part of higher management. This means that they would enjoy to watch a film that is based around the 15/16th century. 
  • Do you think all films in future will be released across all platforms simultaneously in future?
I think that all films will be released across all platforms simultaneously in the future because many people already download films illegally and watch them before they are available on a wider platform. Therefore, releasing it across all platforms at once would probably be beneficial due to the fact that the audience would rather buy the DVD or get it on demand to avoid the hassle of downloading it illegally because the quality is mostly poor. This will benefit the audience who doesn't prefer to go to cinemas or can't afford to. 

Sunday, 28 February 2016

iLL Manors: E-media Off-site Research

Ill Manors Facebook page
  • How many 'likes' has the Ill Manors film page had?
The Ill Manors film page has had 29,879 likes overall.
  • What is the top of the page promoting?
The top of the page is promoting the film itself.
  • Choose five of the posts on the page's wall, screengrab them and explain how they appeal to the Ill Manor's target audience.
This would appeal to the Ill Manor's target audience because it involves them and it keeps them updated about tour dates.

This would appeal to Ill Manor's target audience because it informs the fans who haven't watched the film that they can now purchase it via other options. 

This would appeal to the Ill Manors target audience because it helps them get an insight into Plan B's work and his inspiration etc.

This would appeal to the Ill Manors target audience because it helps them keep track of Plan B's movement.

This would appeal to the target audience because it will help them engage with the actors and help get an opportunity to meet them.

  • Find three examples of synergy with other platforms (links to broadcast clips or newspaper/magazine articles). Explain how each one promotes the film.
-An example of synergy would be between the DVD and Blu-Ray copies of the film. Using the Facebook page helps promote the film and encourages fans to watch the film through buying the DVD.
-Another example would be Plan B himself, as an artist he can use his social media in order to promote his album and the film.
-The last example of synergy would be youtube and this is done through posting links. 
  • Find three examples on the Facebook wall of opportunities for user generated content or audience interaction (e.g. a question that invites people to comment or a competition to enter).
-An example of audience interaction would be the application to the BFI Film Academy. Which allows people aged 16-19 to make a short film. This allows the audience to interact with the BFI Film Academy through the iLL Manors Facebook page. 
-Another example is contest of trying to win a free copy of the iLL Manors film through the Revolver Entertainment company. 
-The last example would be of the Facebook post of the question if iLL Manors was your favourite anthem gives the audience an opportunity to discuss whether it was or not. 
  • Find three examples of the Facebook page cross-promoting the soundtrack or DVD release.
-An example of cross-promoting the soundtrack is shown through posts that include direct links to the videos, e.g. Missed the #PlayingWithFire music video yesterday? Check it out here:
-Another example would be through uploading teaser pictures of behind the scenes from the filming of the music video, this would appeal to fans as audiences usually enjoy visual context.
-The last example would be posts that help set up debates about his music which will lead to them having to hear it in the first place. 
  • Find the Twitter graffiti campaign link on the Facebook wall and screengrab it.

  • How did the institution use the Facebook page to promote the film's release in May/June 2012?
The institution used the Facebook page to promote the films release by uploading pictures of the iLL Manor premiere. Also, it uploaded scenes of the film and captioned how long was left till the release of the film, this kept the audience updated all throughout till the release of the film. 

Ill Manors Twitter feed
  • How does the Ill Manors Twitter feed use the Ill Manors brand to promote the film?
The Ill Manors twitter feed uses the Ill Manors brand by making the profile picture the front cover. Furthermore, the bio includes information on how to view the film along with a brief description of Plan B.
  • What hashtags are used on the Ill Manors Twitter feed?
The hashtags used are:
- #iLLManors
- #BenDrew
- #PlanB
  • Find three celebrities the Ill Manors Twitter feed re-tweeted to promote the film and explain how they appeal to the Ill Manors target audience.
1. Josh Franceschi- he would appeal to the Ill Manors target audience because he is a British singer. Therefore, the audience would be more aware of the film through this singer.
2. Ed Skrein- he would appeal to the target audience because he is one of the main characters in the film and his usual fanbase may not be aware of the fact that hes starring in the film.
3. Searne Cotton- she would appeal to the target audience as she is a British radio/TV presenter. Therefore, she would be able to talk about the film and give her honest reviews since thats her job.
  • How has the Ill Manors Twitter feed used pictures to help promote the film?
They've re-tweeted fans pictures of their DVD copies along with pictures of the fans waiting to get their copies signed. Furthermore, they've tweeted pictures of the characters within the film.
  • Find examples of the Ill Manors Tag London campaign in the Ill Manors Twitter feed and explain how they help to target the right audience for the film.
One main part of the twitter feed is based on the Tag Londons campaign, where there was tweets and  re-tweets from all of the people who took part in it with their profile tagged. Therefore, in result of this, a larger audience was reached and there was a lot of discussion and points being said about the film. 
  • How was the Ill Manors Twitter feed used to specifically promote the release of the film (May/June 2012) and the release on DVD (October 2012)? Choose three tweets for each and explain how they effectively promote the film.
Prior to the film being released, tweets were being released like "Who is ready for Ill Manors #illmanors"This kept the audience updated and informed as well as promoting the film with no cost. 

Ill Manors on Instagram
  • How has Ill Manors used the Instagram platform to promote Ill Manors?
Ill Manors used the Instagram platform to promote the film via fans who used the hashtag #iLLManors when uploading posts relate-able to the film or the album.
  • Choose three particular images/posts and explain why they are effective in promoting the film.
This picture posted on Instagram is effective in promoting the film, as it is the film soundtrack also made and produced by Plan B. In particular, this allows for the audience to become more interested in the soundtrack as well as gain an incite into what is in the film.

This image is equally effective as it promotes the purchasing of the DVD. As you can see someone who posted the image brought the film captioning 'pumped for this'. This is important as it a normal individual interested in the film, and it makes the audience interested. This can lead to them watching the trailer or even the movie, which is the purpose for these social media websites.

This helps promote both the film and music video, as it's a clip from the music video. However, the hashtags on the side promote the film as well. 

  • What hashtags are used on Instagram to promote the film? Is there consistency in branding/hashtags across social media? Why is this important?
Hashtags that are used on Instagram include #illmanors #truefilm and #rap. These would all appeal to the target audience of strugglers and reformers and would therefore promote the film itself. It is similar in all social media platforms, but particularly the SBTV channel as it is rap and hip hop based which is similar to some of the hashtags.

YouTube - planbuk channel

  • How was the planbuk YouTube channel used to promote the Ill Manors film?
The YouTube channel was used to promote the film as it was the home of all videos relating the film and the music; iLL Manors. Their YouTube page is filled with videos of Plan B's music and videos relating to his film. Uploading videos to YouTube is just another step to appealing to the ideal target audience of the film and is a beneficial way ofraising awareness of the film.
  • Find examples of synergy or cross-promotion between the planbuk YouTube channel and other media texts you have studied as part of the case study. Explain how they both promote the film and appeal to the Ill Manors target audience.
The iLL Manors trailer and the music video suggest synergy with the DVD Extras that were included on the broadcast platform. They both follow a similar tone and feel and similar editing style. This helps audiences stay familiar with the content released under the same movie title and would show consistency.
  • What links to other social networking sites can you find on the planbuk channel homepage?
The YouTube channel offers links to an iTunes Plan B page, Twitter and Facebook and Soundcloud, as well as Google+ and the official Plan B website.

Thursday, 25 February 2016

iLL Manors- E-Media: Website Analysis

What examples can you find of the Ill Manors brand on the Ill Manors website homepage screengrab above?
The logo is seen in the top left corner and right beneath it is the contents page which allows the viewers to get an insight into the film as well as promoting Plan B's album. There is also the hashtag #illmanors on the wall of the estate building which is a clever technique to hint mentioning the tag to the viewers without specifically mentioning twitter. Furthermore, the actors themselves are shown on the main page of the website. However, they are not the central image/focus.
How does the website encourage the audience to buy or interact with Ill Manors products?
The phrase 'ill manors buy now' is on the estate building as graffiti to prompt viewers to purchase it. Also, at the top of the website it mentions the different ways of viewing the film so that there is a option for every viewer. 
Look at Plan B's official website. How does it use social media in terms of content and design? 
The first thing you notice on the website is Plan B's twitter/instagram account and this is done through showing tweets made by Plan B towards fans but also their tweets towards him. Additionally, right below the contents links are minor subheadings which are direct links to Plan B's social media, e.g. his instagram photos and tweets made through twitter. 
Scroll back through the wall to look at posts from around the release date of Ill Manors. How does this statement on Ill Manors link to other texts we have studied as part of this case study? Do you agree with his claim that he "won't justify" the riots? 
This statement links to other texts because it helps the audience understand why Plan B made this film and his thoughts/ideology behind it. I also agree with his claim because he's explained multiple times that the riots were wrong and not justifiable. However, his point is that the government and circumstances have driven people to resort this type of violence and once we understand that we can help to improve the situation rather than blaming one group solely. 
Why do you think social media is overtaking official websites in terms of film promotion?
I think that social media is overtaking official websites in terms of film promotion due to the fact that it is easily accessible due to the apps being on phones which people use on a everyday basis and most of the social media apps are also free. Furthermore, many celebrities use social media daily. Therefore, fans will keep track of them and through this they may find out about the film. 

Monday, 22 February 2016

iLL Manors E-Media: Tag London Campaign 

Summarise the Ill Manors Tag London campaign in 100 of your own words.
The Ill Manors tag London campaign combined both traditional and digital media. It influenced fans to tweet using the hashtag #illmanorsalbum to help raise awareness towards the album and through doing this it also helped raise awareness towards Plan B's twitter account because fans began to mention him in their tweets (@4planb). Additionally, fans were then prompted to tweet the tag London twitter account itself by using the hashtag #illmanors in order to express their feelings and views towards Britain's current state. The campaign inspired fans to tweet by selecting tweets that would then be tagged by graffiti artists and projected around iconic London sites. The tweets on these sites were then photographed and put onto social media to encourage more fans to tweet. Ultimately, the campaign had over 5,000 entries in the space of five days and nearly 300 selected tweets were tagged by graffiti artists. 
How does the Ill Manors Tag London campaign help to promote the film?
The campaign encourages fans to engage with Plan B's overall thinking behind the making of the album which will make them interact and eventually find out about the film  This will then lead them to wanting to watch the film as it links to his music and the tweets sent out about the current state of Britain. Furthermore, fans with strong beliefs similar to Plan B's will be intrigued into seeing his music and thoughts about Britain coming to life. 
What synergy (links) can you find between the Tag London campaign and other texts you have studied as part of the Ill Manors case study?
There is a link between the campaign and the broadcast platform because through both of them the fans get an insight into Plan B's ideas and beliefs. This then encourages them to see his work and state their own opinions. Furthermore, the campaign and twitter itself can help promote the interviews and encourage fans to watch them in order to get a clearer understanding of the inspiration bheind his work.
Why might user-generated campaigns like this be more successful than traditional media campaigns?
User-generated campaigns are more successful because they allow the fans to interact and helps with audience engagement. This benefits in promoting the album/film because the fans feel as though they are part of the process and can voice their opinions. This means that they aren't just being influenced in order to just benefit the album/film but instead their opinion matters. In addition to that, it also helps to understand how majority of the audience feel towards the album/film. This then leads to them making adjustments to improve sales. 
Choose FIVE of the tweets above and for each one write what target audience the tweet could appeal to (demographics/psychographics) and then link the tweet to one other media text you have studied as part of the Ill Manors case study (TEDx lecture, music video etc.) Justify your link for each tweet using examples from the film/promotional material.
This tweet would appeal to strugglers and reformers and again the youth demographic or people that are struggling generally. This tweet suggests that the government is all to blame as it states 'The Olympics will destroy London'.

I think this would appeal more to the older generation as it talks about both teenagers and politicians. It would appeal to the older generation more as the younger generation as they aren't as interested in politics. Whereas, the older generation get more involved with that side of things. 

This tweet would appeal to both the younger and older generation, and the demographic urban middle working class. As it talks about the society of Britain and how it's been broken by David Cameron. 

This tweet would target mainly the urban youth demographic as it is aiming to voice their feelings to the people higher up in the social system. This is particular with the word inclusion, which shows how they feel as part of their society, which is basically excluded. This is very similar to the Radio campaign we saw as Plan B explained how he was excluded in his past experiences. 

Again, this would target urban youth culture and in terms of psychographics would appeal to the aspirers, main streamers and resigned as they want everybody who has this stereotypical impression of the youth to understand that they are not all evil.

BFI Notes

Types of Cinemas

Arthouse cinema- Small independent cinemas 

Multiplex- Blockbuster and mainstream entertainment 

Crossover- nominations and award related films (prestige) 

Uses and Gratifications for national audience?

Information/Education: How do other British people live? What are issues affecting the UK? – People who are prestige and have authority

Social Interaction: ‘Crowd pleasers’ (social viewing), Oscar nominations (conversation point)

Personal Identification: National pride, solidarity, aspiration, glamorisation, reinforcing/rejecting values

Pure Entertainment: spectacle, escapism, adrenaline, (thriller/horror), catharsis (+emotional intensity)

Uses and Gratifications for US/international audience?

Information/Education: historical/literary figures, contemporary celebrities/royalty

Social Interaction: ‘Crowd pleasers’ (social viewing), Oscar nominations (conversation point)

Personal Identification: solidarity with subcultures/marginalised groups rarely represented in mainstream cinema

Pure entertainment: spectacle, escapism, adrenaline (thriller/horror), catharsis (+emotional intensity)

Film Examples

‘Franchise’: Kingsman: The Secret Service – Mix of arthouse, mainstream and prestige

A UK audience would like the entertainment and elite it has throughout the movie.

A US/international audience would like the patriotic representation and the adrenaline rush, thestereotypical shots, the violence, social realism and the plot.

'Heritage': A Royal Night Out – is nostalgic ‘rose tinted’  - prestige

Heritage focuses on: UK film used tourist marketing strategy (for foreign audiences)
Relationship with the past is not questioned or criticised.

A UK audience would like the history and meritocracy which is presented.

A US/international audience would like the information and knowledge provided the class difference as it is only presented in the UK which will reinforce the dominant stereotype and also the knowing and interests in the monarch.

‘Social Realism’: The Selfish Giant
: an arthouse film
Social realism focuses on: Working or 'underclass' characters, Dark side of human behaviour, Seen to be the opposite of heritage cinema, Challenges audiences comfort zones- harsh reality of modern Britain 
A UK audience would like how an alternative stereotype of a teenager lives in the UK, the relation with the theme, the emotional intensity provided.
A US/international audience would like how social class is presented and how lower/working class children live and work.
Horror: The Woman in Blackmultiplex/arthouse

Horror focuses on: The offered costume dramas, tradition of gothic theme and the US horror had stricter censorship towards this genre of film (preferred family films) 

A UK audience would like Daniel Radcliff as protagonist as he is well known from the Harry Potter franchise which is successful globally, it is based and set in England, and it follows inspiration from a British book/novel, a traditional British feel for horror, and links to Edwardian period based clothing

A US/international audience would like how it is a popular novel and stage performance 

'Urban Fairy-tale' Rom-Com: One Day
an arthouse film

  • Romantic Comedy 
  • Typical love story (based)
  • Set in contemporary London - Lots of tourist landmarks; Middle class neighbourhoods 
  • Vision of urban life
What would a UK audience like about this film?
  • Location/setting 
  • British landmarks 
What would a US/International audience like about this film?

  • Sexual reference/theme
  • Comedy
  • Couple drama

Saturday, 20 February 2016

iLL Manors: Print Platform- Branding 

The title is in the centre of the brief and the font reflects the British urban estates due to the block style writing. Also, the font is also continuous throughout, which makes it look more professional.  . Furthermore, The protagonist is also central in the cover and due to him being well known, it helps to identify the film and also the genre of the film, through the iconography of the weapon and the costumeThe use of the mise-en-scene also helps to understand the genre of the film as the block dawning over the protagonist creates the sort of impression that the estate is towering over them and they're trapped within this society and cannot get out of their stereotypes and labels. In addition to that, the estates in the background helps give an insight into where the film is located.On the other hand, the brief clearly states the director of the film, by both names of Plan B and Ben Drew, this may have been done to cross promote Plan B as a music artist and Ben Drew as a director. The cover also consists of many reviews which helps the audience decide whether they would enjoy watching the film.

The brief overall is simple which helps the audience pick out key information. For example, the slogan 'we are products of our environment' is right at the top of the brief which might catch the audiences attention since thats the only sentence on the whole cover. Additionally, the slogan itself helps to summarise what the film is briefly about which helps the audience decide whether they would want to watch it. Furthermore, the title is in the centre and takes up majority of the space and the bright red is eye catching making it easy to recognise. Also, once again the block style font helps reflect the urban lifestyle. In addition to that, 'Plan B' is at the top of the poster whereas Ben Drew is at the bottom. This may be due to the fact that more people will recognise him by the name Plan B due to his music. The image on this brief in comparison to the first one is different as it shows all the main characters however, the main protagonist is still in the middle.

Due to the large writing this brief could possibly be a double page spread within a magazine. Furthermore, It also has star ratings on the cover to convey how good the film is to the audience and the title is clear and bold for the audience to see however the images of the characters is overpowering everything else on the brief and it also makes the poster seem more full and bright. The use of the main protagonist in the centre of the poster makes it easily identifiable The fact that it says 'featuring the brilliant new soundtrack composed  by Plan B' shows the director in all his greatness but also helps the audience recognise Ben Drew as a successful music artist. The use of the words 'featuring the brilliant new soundtrack composed by Plan B,' creates clear synergy between the soundtrack and the film. The cross promotion between the two help to combine.

iLL Manors: Print Platform

Mens Health Interview 

The core target audience for this magazine would predominantly be males aged 18-35. This is due to the fact that younger males would be more cautious about their body image and health in comparison to older males who are not as bothered.  In terms of psychographic groups, this magazine would target aspirers as the magazine is about maintaining/improving your body image. Furthermore, with the use of Plan B, the magazine would attract an even younger audience due to his recognition with them through his music. The magazine can be used for both entertainment and helping men improve their body image. The use of the celebrities in this magazine helps the target audience, specifically the younger audience as they stay motivated because they may see the celebrities as role models.In this interview the interviewer asks a series of questions, mainly focusing on the primary subject that would interest the reader (dieting), and then Plan B replies very naturally. The questions and answers are surprisingly quite short and to the point, there's a brief introduction which promotes ill Manors. Also, the fact that Plan B is the one who is talking about the topic would keep them even more interested since his is recognised amongst the younger audience due to his work. They talk about how he was dieting and how his lifestyle has changed after ill Manors; using this to promote his film works really well as this sort of synergy is created between his lifestyle and diet and then his film promotion simultaneously.

NME Magazine Interview 

The core target audience would be youth and young adult market from around 15-35 because hip hop and rap has soon been involved within the magazine, creating a much wider audience. Furthermore, in terms of psychographics, the magazine would appeal to explorers as the whole magazine revolves around individualism as these artists act as role models for young people.On the other hand, the magazine is about entertainment but it also focuses on personal identity as these young people learn from these artists as they are seen as role models. In this interview, Plan B has mainly focused on the political topic of David Cameron and the headline of the interview itself is  'Plan B attacks David Cameron'. The use of the word "attacks" helps keep the younger generation intrigued as they wouldn't be normally interested with political views. There is this cross promotion between the music and the film for ill Manors and the fact that he is being featured in a music magazine is particularly important as the readers would be interested in his music.

The Guardian

The target audience for the Guardian would be aimed at the younger generation, as the newspaper states that their main readers are "urban consumers with a keen sense of adventure when it comes to trying new products and experiences."  The Guardian is mainly left wing and it's a broadsheet newspaper, and would focus on socialist ideologies rather than conservatives. Furthermore, in terms of  psychographic groups, the Guardian would appeal to explorers. The interview informs them about Plan B's life and the difficulties he faced when he was growing up. This allows the reader to identify with Plan B and feel some sort of emotional connection with him. The fact that every paragraph tells a different story of his life helps the reader understand Plan B as Ben Drew rather than an artist and a director. The fact that he uses this as a tool to promote his film is a clear promotional technique which causes the reader to sympathise with him, understand him, and therefore want to watch his film. Furthermore, Plan B gives the audience a insight of the reasons behind his actions which helps the audience the purpose behind both his music and his film. 

Daily Mail

The Daily Mail is a  tabloid newspaper, it targets the middle class demographic. It's also a right wing newspaper and therefore the readers would mainly be conservatives. In terms of psychographic groups, the Daily Mail would appeal to succeeders as conservatives seek leadership and control. This article is different from the rest as it shows a negative side to the film. This could be due to Plan B being totally against the Conservatives.This could cause a moral panic, as the music video conveys riots and the audience may believe this may actually happening, as Plan B is against the Conservatives. Due to this article being heavily negative, this may influence the audience in to not watching the film. As they may view Plan B as a negative figure.